Securing Justice with Enhanced Taxation Policing
Bringing tax offenders to justice largely relies on the co-operative efforts of the tax authorities and law enforcement agencies. However, challenged with manual processes and outdated, disparate systems, the quality of evidence collated in investigations are usually not enough to secure conviction and the rate of tax disputes, both in a civil and criminal context keep rising.
Key Learning Objectives
• Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion; the Models of cooperation which can be used in combating tax crimes
• Digital technology platforms and systems; their application, Research and exploitation of digital data and the associated legal provisions, Role of surveillance and exploring new opportunities, tools and technology which can be implemented in surveillance
• Criminal justice procedures; case building; arrest, search, seizure, and investigative interviewing; taking witness statements and giving evidence. Anti-money laundering Initiatives, cash seizures and forfeiture, financial profiling, use of restraint and confiscation orders, and new powers in the Criminal Finances Acts used around the world.